Saturday, July 25, 2009

by the sea



Written in Herre Norway, June 7 2009

No, it's an einganggrillen, one time grill,
paper leaping over coals, E-18 sausage -- name for the highway in country, shocking with moose.

Mica stranding the ice age davenport,
the ocean water is potable, a sailing boat motors on the offing over the shingle,
legs abandoned & bruised,
auroras don't shed the moon & earthshine dawn.

Ice sounds shaved these benches, cow knees implacable over salt licks, witness to the nocturne of the tarn. The jumble of bruised rock, tested with blisters, ticks like fleas, murder snails.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I don't recall seeing a single homeless person in Copenhagen (unless you consider Christiania) -- none of the shopping carts, the shouting, the sleeping bags in doorways that one accepts as a standard part of the background in many U.S. cities. While admittedly a few days wandering around in the Danish city doesn't constitute solid research on the subject, there still must be some social explanation for the phenomenon.

Ok, the relation between Conrad's Under Western Eyes and Crime and Punishment is pretty obvious. I wasn't the first one to stumble on the link by any means. Razumov/Raskolnikov. I guess when I was in Poland, I was in the country of Conrad's early life, in a sense, although this is problematic. That part of Silesia was part of Eastern Germany (pre- and post- Bismarck era) during Joseph's early life, and the area where Conrad was born is now part of the Ukraine. Seems Stalin had a hand in the post World War Two border swap (and related ethnic cleansing of Poles and Germans), getting Churchill, Roosevelt and Truman to go along with him. The history of Breslau alone is immensely involved.

Photo: Fraktur inscription with skull and crossbones, Wroclaw, Poland.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


a couple more planarian pages, this will be the last selection from this issue of oddities i will post, although there were a few other small flatworms included. Nice work by British poet Steve Sneyd, Bruce Boston, and other persons...