Sunday, December 24, 2017

Petroglyphs North

 Bronze or Iron Age petroglyphs, in the vicinity of Skien, Norway (on a visit to Roman and Heidi Scott). Photo by JF, June 2003. Possible sun/ ship/ calendrical markings, appropriate now, close after the winter solstice.

Merry Christmas, Saturnalia, and holidays to all who partake!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Nostalgia of the One Percent

My parents, Oregon, May 1954.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Veterans Day 2017

Dad, USMC, ca. 1946. (A couple days' late for Armistice Day.)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Progression of the Gloaming

Progression of the Gloaming

Raven’s feathers, clavicle shudders in cerulean twanging. Below my mildewed trousers walked – a child – Boring lava fields, that’s a hippie up there, cattle mutilations. Dad said that’s carbon steel. 

Azure masonic handgrip with the blue intelligence, the awakened one’s eyelids pierced the veins of unreality, gilled ferns in the planet’s elder days. Seahorses threateningly crisp.

 Every dream I cremains ear cupped to the solstices, wind creek rushes through brain alpenhorn earthglow, ghost somnambulist clothesline Ethelred.




Thursday, October 19, 2017

October Routine, at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival

On 8 October I experienced the day at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon in Portland, Oregon -- around the 14th time I've attended, off and on, starting with an early event in 1995 or so at the Fifth Avenue Cinemas.

 Q & A with participants in Lovecraft Under the Gun.

Tim Uren's extraordinary solo, dramatic interpretation of Lovecraft's The Rats in the Walls.

Photos by JF.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Grandfather, Granduncles, January 11, 1951

My grandfather, Fred Clark (fourth from left), and most of his brothers, probably in Ennis, Montana, January 11, 1951. There is a an elegiac sense here, a feeling that the photo could almost have emerged from 1880 rather than the 1950s. The Place of Dead Roads... Quién es?

The saloon might have been Oscar Clark's, mentioned by the late Dr. Losee.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

2017 Eclipse, Madras, Oregon

Images of totality I captured during the total solar eclipse, August 21, 2017, Madras, Oregon. The flash washed me out in the selfie shot, but I like the "Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite" tone overall. The skies might be out of a John Martin painting. In spite of the doomsday forecasts of media and government, matters associated with the event mostly rolled smoothly. The night before the occultation, I missed my shuttle bus and walked at night up into the hills, where I had my camp (of sorts). Crickets shrilled in the sagebrush, beneath the vast rush of the Milky Way.

On my return, I did get stuck in nine hours' worth of traffic, on what would normally have been a two-hour drive. Someone driving past me the other way, going east, taunted me with "there's a hundred-mile traffic jam in front of you!" The slow drive did give me the opportunity to witness some samples of landscape one normally wouldn't have time in; but it was tedious as well.

On the way back, I also stopped for dinner in Warm Springs, Oregon. I hadn't been in that area in general in central Oregon, for a long spell.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Sonny Jimmy

On 6 May, 2017, I visited my long-time barber, whom I knew variously as "Sonny" and "Jimmy," for a tonsorial trip. I had the sudden idea to take a photo of him; which I incorporated into the digital collage above. I had never before snapped a picture of him, in all the years I knew him, stretching back deep into the Bill Clinton era.

The next time I wended my way to his shop, around the solstice, I noticed the traditional striped barber pole was unlit. In the window lay a sign announcing his memorial, which had already transpired the following week.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, he placed Obama and Hillary signs in his barbershop window, side-by-side.

A kind of extradimensional Floyd the Barber, his shop packed with Americana such as a Norman Rockwell print, baseball caps, and quaint signs, his unpredictability and unbroken idiosyncrasies will be missed by this one.

To use a phrase, one which Poe quoted, In pace requiescat!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Blog Anniversary

This post marks nine years since my first entry in this blog.

A day or two ago I grazed on some old posts, and surprised myself with a few items I'd forgotten putting on here.

Browsing is always welcome. 



Monday, July 17, 2017

Oliver Stone, 1997 Photo

Oliver Stone signing a copy of his novel A Child's Night Dream. Portland Art Museum (in the former Masonic Temple building), Portland, Oregon, October 13, 1997. Powell's Books hosted the event, a talk and book signing.

Photo by JF

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Published in Block's Poetry Collection, Beloit, Wisconsin, Issue 1, Winter 1993. The cover art is by Nancy E. Doyle. This was not long before the World Wide Web started to become more accessible.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Joseph W. Kittinger

I first became aware of Joseph W. Kittinger through a PBS documentary, Space Men. Some numbers from his life: He jumped from a balloon at 102,800 feet, or 31,333 meters (a record-breaking freefall, which stood until recent years); he flew 483 combat missions during the Vietnam War; he survived 11 months in the Hanoi Hilton; and Colonel Kittinger is 88 years old.

Paging William S. Burroughs:

"When I was on that step looking out, I was just amazed at how beautiful it was. It was absolutely beautiful, the colors, the transition from black overhead down to the horizon. It was beautiful and I was stunned with the beauty of what it was. But the same moment, I remembered Dr. Stapp talking about arsenic outside because right outside my hand was death." -- Joseph W. Kittinger, from here

Digital collage by JF

Monday, May 15, 2017

Latourell, Oregon

This postcard appears to be a modern creation, taken from a WWI-era card. But Latourell is an evocative place, at once inhabited, but with ghost town patches. Its lanes have known my footfalls. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Apophasis (Poem)

I wrote the poem around 1989, 90, 91. I'm not clear how the title related to the poem, but hey...  Photo by JF, Nandaimon Gate, Nara, Japan, 1995.     

Sunday, April 9, 2017

24 March, 1995 Journal

Since April, 1985 I have kept a sporadic, handwritten journal. The following is an lightly-edited entry selected from 24 March, 1995, as representative as any:

Got card from Gina from Taiwan today. 

Went & saw Ann Charters at Powell's this evening who gave a rather interesting talk about Kerouac, visited him for two days & talked about how bloated he was, drinking Johnny Walker & beer, playing the piano at a bar, walking on the beach, supporting the Vietnam War, rude & anti-Semitic. How he was a writer, memorial park in Lowell, his mother making him chicken pies he didn't eat, asking Charters to fuck him. She didn't drink herself.

J. & S. were there. 

Photo by me from February, 1986. I spent a fair amount of my youth in a house perched atop the hill on the left.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Deconstruction of the Carnage State, 1987-2017

Collage by JF, 1987

Cut-up (made with online cut-up machines, then lightly edited) from found sources, February 2017

I primarily used this cut-up machine.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Dunwich Horror Illustration by Roman Scott

A drawing (1977) by Roman Scott, depicting a scene in H.P. Lovecraft's story 'The Dunwich Horror.'

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Inauguration of the Carnage Dome

Digital Collage by JF, 1-31-17

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Allen Ginsberg Dream Journal, 1988

A journal entry involving a dream about Henry Kissinger, from December 2, 1988, by Allen Ginsberg, from We magazine, issue 12, which appeared around 1990. Allen Ginsberg signed the page for me at Powell's Books in downtown Portland, August 30, 1991. Todd Mecklem and I also had a poem, Löwestrasse, in this issue.