Thursday, February 27, 2014

Singapore 1987

Dad card, Singapore, 1987

Body:  Dear J., the wildest week yet -- First to the elephant roundup at Surin, Thailand, then to Bangkok -- Started to Singapore on train -- train stopped middle of night -- sat there on train more than 2 days -- A friend and I got fed up and took a taxi driving thru quite a lot of water to the next town -- Then series of 3 buses to Hatyai -- Which had had 6 feet of water in streets but receded leaving streets filled wi piles of refuse thrown out by the casual Thais -- Then luckily got a flite to Sing. only to have my reserv. cancelled this AM so will lose my time in Seoul but am grateful to the Great Spirit that the train wasn't wrecked.  Its very hot here but have found a nice dorm for 5.00 (Sing.) daily -- about 2.70 -- Had wonderful at mad Abdullah's cave down the St (Lunch) this place run by Arabs who are very nice.  Hope things smooth out -- slept in pol. sta. in sm. town wi corpse drowned  policeman



  1. I like the card, Jonathan. Going by what he says he's having quite an adventure. The stamps are great, yellow & black always seem to go well together.

  2. Ray, the trip (back in 87) sounded wild. The events described resembled something from a Graham Greene or Conrad novel. The colors on the stamp are good, I like the details of the wasp.
