Ah yes.. found the copy of Oddities 7 I misplaced and will continue posting it, delayed and out of sequence. Unique work by Todd Mecklem, Billy Wolfenbarger, Denise Dumars, and others. I wonder what happened to Billy Wolfenbarger? Surrealist small press poet who was published quite a lot, in the 1980s and 70s as well, I believe. I met him once around 1988 in Eugene, Ore. -- he came to my little apartment, hand-rolled and smoked some cigarettes, conversed about Arthur Machen and H.P. Lovecraft; kind of a hippie aura about him. Never saw him again -- actually, I don't know if he's still alive, for that matter. I suppose he was in his 40s then. He and another poet from that era (whom Wolfenbarger mentioned), G. Sutton Breiding, seem to have given up writing and publishing, at the least.
An image of Joe E. Brown is on this sample of Oddities, Earthworm Tractors, forgotten, encrypted comic actors.
Been reading The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett -- really enjoy it for the most part, his attenuated, sly descriptions.