Stamps from Chad, Rwanda, Upper Volta, and Cold War-period Czechoslovakia and Hungary.
About Me

- Jonathan
- Adalbert is a forum for me, to post ephemera, photography, poetry, occasional travel notes, and various spontaneous motions. Cover photo: Parsonage where my great-grandfather spent his early years. Taken near Liegnitz, Silesia, ca. 1870. The "xothique" portion of the web address is a nod to Clark Ashton Smith's fictional continent of Zothique.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Singapore 1987
Dad card, Singapore, 1987
Body: Dear J., the wildest week yet -- First to the elephant roundup at Surin, Thailand, then to Bangkok -- Started to Singapore on train -- train stopped middle of night -- sat there on train more than 2 days -- A friend and I got fed up and took a taxi driving thru quite a lot of water to the next town -- Then series of 3 buses to Hatyai -- Which had had 6 feet of water in streets but receded leaving streets filled wi piles of refuse thrown out by the casual Thais -- Then luckily got a flite to Sing. only to have my reserv. cancelled this AM so will lose my time in Seoul but am grateful to the Great Spirit that the train wasn't wrecked. Its very hot here but have found a nice dorm for 5.00 (Sing.) daily -- about 2.70 -- Had wonderful at mad Abdullah's cave down the St (Lunch) this place run by Arabs who are very nice. Hope things smooth out -- slept in pol. sta. in sm. town wi corpse drowned policeman
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Pony, Montana, 1909
Pony, mont. oct. 13, 1909
Dear Mattie, well I got your postle card. Well I am as good as boys can be, and you no how good that is? When you get this card you will think that you are in Pony, at our house. Tell aunt Jennie the next card I am going to write to her. I go to school every day.
Yours lovingly Bert.
Addressed to Miss M. Ferguson
1126 Nevada Ave.
S. Butte
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil
Patent for the spread spectrum torpedo guidance system of Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil
source: patent
Collage by Jonathan
Hedy Lamarr: actor and driver of communication technology, along with George Antheil:
Posted by
12:56 AM
George Antheil,
Hedy Lamarr,
World War II

Friday, February 7, 2014
Kwagiulth Chief's Daughter/ Potlatch
I attended a dance ceremony (ok, aimed mainly at tourists) put on by the Kwagiulth tribe in Victoria BC some years back.
Photo by Edward S. Curtis
Posted by
2:35 PM
Edward S. Curtis,
First Nations,
Native Americans,

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