I'll mark the approach here of the new year and its uncertain potentiality with this fragment from The Pogues, featuring "Auld Lang Syne."
About Me

- Jonathan
- Adalbert is a forum for me, to post ephemera, photography, poetry, occasional travel notes, and various spontaneous motions. Cover photo: Parsonage where my great-grandfather spent his early years. Taken near Liegnitz, Silesia, ca. 1870. The "xothique" portion of the web address is a nod to Clark Ashton Smith's fictional continent of Zothique.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
I'll mark the approach here of the new year and its uncertain potentiality with this fragment from The Pogues, featuring "Auld Lang Syne."
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Liege Quarter-Profile Moustache
On the adhesive-gummed, torn bottom of the photo, I can just make out the city name of Liege, in Belgium.
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10:28 PM
antique photographs,
vintage photographs

Wednesday, November 23, 2016
In the Mountains of Madness
A month or two ago I took in an advance review copy of In the Mountains of Madness, a biography/cultural study of H.P. Lovecraft. I also took a look at the work in its final form. I noted few differences between the two versions, other than a few spelling corrections. The book has a few good points; it's adequate as a basic account of Lovecraft's life. But Poole's study contains numerous flaws.
The ideas and writing are frequently inane, derivative, or poorly-researched. With reference to the movement which succeeded in vanquishing Gahan Wilson's Lovecraft-figure trophy bust from the World Fantasy Convention awards, Poole writes: The petition further urged that the award, in a symbolic move, replace Lovecraft's head with that of Octavia Butler, an African American writer that any objective observer would describe as one of the greatest fantasy and horror writers of the twentieth century, one whose work in many respects exceeds the boundaries of genre.
Come on now, the bar's set pretty low here. A fantasy and horror writer? A cursory web search reveals that Butler was a science fiction writer, not a "fantasy and horror writer." And just how is this assessment of her "objective?"
Here's another questionable statement: "He (Lovecraft) did not call the suicide hotlines that did not exist in 1904." What is the reason for mentioning something so banal and obvious, in such a contorted manner? Other dubious segments of the book include a forced attempt to define Lovecraft as an earlier practitioner of gaming, and a strange statement concerning the possible future cult status of the prose poem "Nyarlathotep."
In total, the book is a curious exercise, lacking in useful insights.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Rest Stop, West of Boardman
Stop, West of Boardman
Jonathan Falk
Crickets screamed under the wind, blades of night
query past. My stilts beyond the Columbia walk, corneas pulsed with newer life.
Censor: Sachem Pharos, green light signaled on hermit’s island in the river’s
hippogriffs, basalt eruptions, laved with painted floods. Tom Jefferson stacked
his books apropos of milt sunset. Fruit could need I fruit flies time fruit powder.
I remember the transient beard, something to shift
when I saw for a moment scoriac splendor, a fairyland, one of those viewpoints
I shot past driving, marvelous things, lunar lava and farms. Eagle Creek trail,
drought childhood sneakers melting. Time the panhandler raven. You rode with
old Nils, you better not drink a cup of coffee.
On the Washington shore, one blue light knocked on
the night, filter of dawn.
before the switch to Daylight Saving Time, November 6, 2016
Photo: Columbia River Gorge, 9-16-16.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon, October 2016
Stuart Gordon at a Q & A session following a screening of the unrated director's cut of From Beyond. One observation Gordon made was: Republican administrations are golden eras for horror (but don't get any ideas). Saturday's events also included a dynamic live radio show presentation by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society: Dagon: War of Worlds, with splices from The Temple, Dagon, and The Shadow over Innsmouth. And I caught some other movies and short films.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
District of Columbia
The Lincoln Memorial at sunset. Photo by JF, 9-20+16.
I spent a few days in Washington, D.C., recently, on my first visit there.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Visions of the Western Interior
The Daly Mansion
In the past three days, I've visited the Daly Mansion in Hamilton, Montana, along with Fort Missoula, Wallace, Idaho, and other places.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
At the Grave of Farnsworth Wright, Labor Day 2016
A photo of me at the grave of Farnsworth and Marjorie Wright, Willamette National Cemetery, Happy Valley, Oregon, Labor Day, 2016.
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10:27 PM
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Farnsworth Wright,
Weird Tales,
Willamette National Cemetery

Sunday, August 28, 2016
Robert Anton Wilson, Portland, 1986
A cutting, covering Robert Anton Wilson and his appearance in Portland in 1986 (I was at the lecture).
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Blog Birthday
Today marks eight years since I started this blog. I'll have Jimi Hendrix (with Curtis Knight) play a version of "Happy Birthday," to mark the anniversary.
And here's the first journal-like post from the distant parallel universe of 2008...Myspace and after-rumbles of the Surge:
Sunday, July 27, 2008
First entry
Sunday, July 24, 2016
The Black Angel of Council Bluffs
The Ruth Anne Dodge Memorial, also known as The Black Angel, by the sculptor Daniel Chester French. I visited the site in August, 1994.
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8:33 PM
Council Bluffs,
Daniel Chester French,
public memorials,
The Black Angel

Monday, July 4, 2016
Rebel Without a Copernicus
In recent weeks, I watched, for the first time in its entirety the deeply accursed film of Nicholas Ray, Rebel Without a Cause. I saw a little of it on a videocassette once, which unraveled while the movie was in progress.
I was pleasantly startled to find an element of cosmicism, conveyed through astronomy, in the planetarium sequence, embedded in the James Dean vehicle.
What visions of Porsche Spyders and wind-up toy monkeys did Jim Backus have on the isle? "You're tearing me apart, Gilligan!"
Collage by JF, Independence Day, 2016
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1:40 AM
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James Dean,
Jim Backus,
Rebel without a Cause

Sunday, June 12, 2016
Someone termed chance, cryptic, often ironic, enclosures, such as this, in correspondence, goomjah. Photos courtesy of Marc Myers.
Monday, May 30, 2016
It Can't Happen Here
Lately I've been absorbing It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis. Noteworthy, among other elements, are the excerpts of the fictional, book-within-a book, "Bible" of the fascistic presidential candidate/ candidate- elect/ U.S. president, Buzz Windrip, The Grasshopper Lies Heavy Zero Hour -- Over the Top, along with a few melancholy tones of landscape poetry, and a remote but resonant time, between the world wars, of fraternal organizations, Father Coughlin, and class conflict.
Collage by JF
Monday, May 16, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Monday, April 11, 2016
Transient Wings
Wings, Western Half of the Columbia River Gorge
Loneliness, it’s such a scraped affair.
Hawk jewels flowed sightlessly westward.
The reason of the excavation was to reveal deep
layers in stony time.
Vast sutures of independence whorl chakra.
At the mountains of
energy, float with your mind until lunar provenance enlightenment reached.
The polished immensity
of the mountains, twilight ermine fanfare of the argent musk.
Train de Chirico like
whistling spiders, grave robber polka spinster yellow ancient grove sad
mossy-flamed farmhouse, Edelweiss rocking horse.
Hawk’s wings, rotating like spiders,
Kites drumming over slough and grove.
Train rolls austere and limber,
Caboose like a tramp, twilight of gold.
Rubbish eye incantatory,
Snowy fields, untrodden, transient and flashing on
the crest of the Cascades.
JF April 2016
Photo of Crown Point by JF, July 4, 2002
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Uncle Bear
Another photo of my great-uncle Bruce with his pet bear. Montana, 1930s? Previous
My grandfather (with beard), and his brother Vic. Montana, 1919
Also see
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Away over down the floor, twilight. Brought and immense monument, closed eyes. Hedge, blue gathering, night and quiet.
Shaded edge of inner range, gold and snow. Crow on mead. Thick eyelids, garlands, whiteness, brooding over leagues of grey pines; sun waves across through grain fields, river, black bridge, flooded and stained paddies.
Pitted red stones, gilt and curved December leaves rolling down, massed and overbent rice, thunder, paws of fox, toothed muzzle open, bundled-twig broom, stacked splits beneath the raised house.
JF -- ca. 1992, written after my first time in Japan
Photograph by JF, Yellowstone Park, 1975.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
February 1986
Photo of me, February 1986, Oregon, by Marc Myers.
And happy 157th anniversary of the founding of the state of Oregon.
And happy 157th anniversary of the founding of the state of Oregon.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Collage: Guiteau/Garfield, by JF, 2016.
This was inspired by my recently watching the Murder of a President documentary on PBS, on the assassination of President James A. Garfield
Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, and Hayes, time of my father's time, blood
of his blood, life of his life, . . . were the lost Americans: their
gravely vacant and bewhiskered faces mixed, melted, swam together in the
sea depths of a past intangible, immeasurable, and unknowable as the
buried city of Persepolis.
-- Thomas Wolfe (source)
I should re-read some Thomas Wolfe sometime. I always remember his description of his writing practice, using the top of a refrigerator as a desk.
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1:55 AM
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Charles Guiteau,
James A. Garfield,
U.S. history,
U.S. Presidents

Sunday, January 24, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
Adalbert Falk Monument
Monument to one of my ancestors, Adalbert Falk, in Hamm, Germany, 2015. Thanks to Axel Weiß for all three photos posted here, and for visiting Hamm.
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